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Instructor Resources


Instructor manuals, methodologies and update information applicable to instructors.

Instructor Resources

Title Description Release Date Doc
Le devoir de diligence Lorsque vous, en tant que moniteur de ski, acce... 2024 View Doc
Duty Of Care Assuming Full Responsibility for a Student 2024 View Doc

Additional Resources

Title Description Release Date Doc
Case Study - RCR Case Study - RCR 2019 View Doc
Equipment - Be an ambassador Equipment - Be an ambassador 2018 View Doc
Food & Beverage - Be an ambassador Food & Beverage - Be an ambassador 2019 View Doc
Participant Video Link Details Participant Video Link Details 2019 View Doc
Ski Company Comparison Environmental Practices of SKI Companies Compared 2019 View Doc
Snowboard Company comparisons Environmental Practices of SNOWBOARD Companies ... 2019 View Doc
Threads - Be an ambassador Threads - Be an ambassador 2019 View Doc
What you can do What you can do 2019 View Doc
2020 AGM Agenda & Presentation 2020 AGM Agenda & Presentation 2021 View Doc
2020 Annual Report Annual reports from Committees, Board, Office &... 2021 View Doc
2022 AGM Report & Presentation The CADS National AGM - February 15th, 2022 2022 View Doc
2023 Financial Statements Prepared in Vancouver, British Columbia by RHN ... 2024 View Doc
2024 CADS National AGM CADS National AGM 2024 2024 View Doc
2028 CADS Strategic Plan - short version These strategic pillars inform and guide organi... 2023 View Doc
2028 CADS Strategic Plan- operational strategies The CADS National organization is guided by fou... 2023 View Doc
Alpine Responsibility Code ALPINE RESPONSIBILITY CODE THERE ARE ELEMENT... 2023 View Doc
CADS Draft Minutes of AGM 30nov19.pdf Canadian Adaptive Snowsports (CADS) Annual Gen... 2021 View Doc
CADS Membership Waiver - Fillable This agreement must be completed in full, initi... 2024 View Doc
Glossaire Glossaire 2020 View Doc
Guide pour les directeurs de programmes Guide pour les directeurs de programmes CADS 2021 View Doc
Guidelines COIVD-19 Poster Keep our Space Safe Poster 2020 View Doc
Guides d'etudes des bénévoles de CADS Guides d'etudes des bénévoles de CADS 2017 View Doc
Physical Distancing Poster National Physical Distancing Poster 2020 View Doc
Program Director Guide Program Director Guide 2021 View Doc
Return to Snow Grant The CADS Return to Snow Grant is available to e... 2020 View Doc
SKi Well Be Well The ski and snowboard industry values and prior... 2020 View Doc
Ski Volunteer Study Guide SKI Volunteer Study Guide 2020 View Doc
Vocabulary Glossary of Terms 2020 View Doc
#1 CADS Request for Sanctioning Request for Sanctioning for Divisions and/or Clubs 2024 View Doc
#1-fr Demande de sanction et l'assurance Demande de sanction pour les divisions et clubs 2024 View Doc
#2 Director & Officers Insurance Application Director & Officers Insurance Application for D... 2020 View Doc
#4 - Insurance Bubble & Sanctioning CADS Insurance bubble and CADS Sanctioning 2024 View Doc
Bulle d’assurance et couverture Bulle d’assurance et couverture 2024 View Doc
Certificate of Insurance Request Please complete if you require a certificate of... 2024 View Doc
Demande d'assurance responsabilité civile des entreprises Demande d'assurance responsabilité civile des e... 2024 View Doc
Risk Management Manual This guide is intended to assist CADS, Division... 2024 View Doc
Appel à candidatures Conseil d'administration national CADS Appel à candidatures Conseil d'administration... 2024 View Doc
CADS Anti-doping policy The Canadian Anti-Doping Program (CADP) is gene... 2024 View Doc
CADS By-Laws The exclusive purposes of the Corporation are: ... 2020 View Doc
CADS Membership Waivers This agreement must be completed in full, initi... 2020 View Doc
CADS National Criminal Record Check Policy This policy affirms CADS' belief in the provisi... 2023 View Doc
CADS National Operations and Procedures CADS operations and procedures, communications ... 2022 View Doc
COVID Risk Management Guidance This document is to CADS Divisions and Clubs to... 2020 View Doc
Cadre national pour la sécurité dans le sport de CADS Ce document présente le cadre de travail de CAD... 2021 View Doc
Capital amortization policy Capital amortization policy 2020 View Doc
Certification Fees – for people who DO NOT volunteer with CADS For instructors employed by a snow school 2023 View Doc
Certification Fees – for people who volunteer with CADS For Volunteers, volunteer clubs and parents or ... 2023 View Doc
Code du Conduite Résumé Le code de conduite énonce clairement l... 2021 View Doc
Code of conduct CADS Code of Conduct 2023 View Doc
Complaints, Investigations, Resolution Policy Complaints, Investigations Resolution Policy 2020 View Doc
Concussion policy The safety and well-being of our members, evalu... 2024 View Doc
Delegation of authority Policy The Delegation of Authority Policy is a policy ... 2021 View Doc
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy CADS holds the duty, right, and the legal and m... 2021 View Doc
Funds management policy The primary consideration for CADS Funds Manage... 2020 View Doc
Harassment Policy National Harassment Policy 2020 View Doc
Mandat Comité de nomination Le Comité des nominations est un comité permane... 2022 View Doc
Mandat Comité des festivals et des événements Le comité des festivals et des événements est u... 2022 View Doc
Mandat comité des finances, de l'audit et des risques le comité est chargé d'examiner régulièrement l... 2022 View Doc
Mandat du comité d'attribution des prix Le comité des prix est un comité permanent qui ... 2022 View Doc
Mandat du comité de parrainage et de partenariat • Créer des relations mutuellement bénéfiques a... 2022
Mandat du comité technique Le comité est responsable de l'élaboration et d... 2021 View Doc
National COVID Risk Management Guide National COVID Risk Management 2020 View Doc
National Honorarium & Reimbursement Policy National Honorarium & Reimbursement Policy for ... 2022 View Doc
National Illness Policy National Illness Policy 2020 View Doc
Nomination form - CADS Board CADS National Board of directors nomination form 2024 View Doc
Photo Release Photo Release 2020 View Doc
Politique de confidentialité Politique de confidentialité Collecte d'inform... 2024 View Doc
Politique de remboursement Une fois le paiement effectué, les remboursemen... 2023 View Doc
Politique de vérification du casier judiciaire Politique de vérification du casier judiciaire 2023 View Doc
Politique du Code de conduite Le code de conduite énonce clairement les atten... 2023 View Doc
Politique en matière de maladie Cette politique sur les maladies a été adoptée ... 2020 View Doc
Politique nationale CADS Politique antidopage Le Programme canadien antidopage (PCA) est géné... 2024 View Doc
Politique nationale CADS en matière de commotions cérébrales Politique nationale CADS en matière de commotio... 2024 View Doc
Politique nationale d'honoraires et de remboursement La politique nationale sur les honoraires et le... 2022 View Doc
Politique sur le harcèlement Sports de glisse adaptés Canada (CADS) s'engage... 2020 View Doc
Privacy Policy Privacy policy Collection of Information CADS... 2024 View Doc
Refund Policy Once payment has been made, refunds for the CAD... 2023 View Doc
Safe Sport Framework This document sets out CADS framework to addres... 2021 View Doc
TOR - Awards Committee General Purpose: The Awards Committee is a sta... 2022 View Doc
TOR - Festival & Events Committee General Purpose: The Festival & Events Committ... 2022 View Doc
TOR - Nominating Committee General Purpose: The Nominating Committee is a... 2022 View Doc
TOR - Sponsorship and Partnerships General-purpose of the committee: ● Create mut... 2022 View Doc
TOR - Technical Committee General Purpose: The committee is responsible f... 2021 View Doc
TOR- Finance Audit & Risk Committee General Purpose: The Committee shall be respons... 2022 View Doc
TOR- Human Resources and Policies Committee General Purpose: As a professional volunteer or... 2019 View Doc

CADS Inspirations

Don't take our word for it!

My son Jamie participates in CADS because he needs a little extra help on the hill. CADS has helped him get past the challenges of autism and find freedom and success on the hill. CADS has been a life changer not only for Jamie, but for our whole family!

Jamie's Mom

I loved getting to meet all sorts of different people, and getting to know my CADS Ski Instructors at Festival. They were so kind, helpful, and so much fun to be around. Now... let’s talk about that award. Canadian Skier of the year! Never in a million years did I think I would receive an award like that in my life. I still struggle to wrap my mind around it! It was a great honor, and certainly a huge surprise.

Kate Gibbs

The 'all inclusive nature' of the CADS organization (Instructors, volunteers, athletes and families) are diverse, and we truly felt that all were inclusive. There seemed to be no judgement of others. This is something most groups strive for, but as you know rarely can achieve.

Karen and Brad Benoit

Our ValuedPartners CADS receives generous support from these valuable partners

Canadian Adaptive Snowsports

Fun Inclusion Respect

Contact Us

First and last names.
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Questions? Contact Us

  • 604-813-7607
  • 1100-1200 West 73rd Avenue,
    Vancouver BC, V6P6G5

...CADS lives on the sports hills of Canada...

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